In the U.S. parents are legally obligated to support their minor children.
Imagine the "reproach" that could be heaped upon the congregation if the kids in question went to the authorities or the local news or newspaper.
have you ever heard of a jw minor getting disfellowshipped and their parents then throwing them out of home?
i know of 1, 14yr old, df'd for smoking and the very same night it was annoced his mother kicked him out of the family home on to the streets!.
unsurprisingly as an adult he's never returned to his mother or the wt .
In the U.S. parents are legally obligated to support their minor children.
Imagine the "reproach" that could be heaped upon the congregation if the kids in question went to the authorities or the local news or newspaper.
i notice that several of the congs i've been to seem to have a majority of the male roles performed by older men.
very few young men are wanting to be ms or elders etc.
it also seems like very few young people are being pioneers either.. would you agree with this?
Are the younger generation taking on roles in the congregation.
I suspect the only roles being taken on are the Cinnamon Rolls and Jelly Rolls they consume during their coffee break, 8 minutes after they've knocked on the first door.
i had it confirmed today that 5 kingdom halls on one site in new addington are for sale.
price being asked £3.5 million.. every witness in london worked on that site.
am in shock.
I had it confirmed today that 5 kingdom halls on one site in New Addington are for sale. Price being asked £3.5 million.
Sorry....I'm a bit thick sometimes but 5 Kingdom Halls on one site?? Who's idea was that?
watchtower study edition- april 2019. are you fully accomplishing your ministry?.
the study article starts off with praise and admiration for members who are out in the field ministry.
the wtbts understand that you have family responsibilities, work, get sick, and have pains due to aging.
Simply put, to accomplish our ministry fully, we must have as full a share as possible in the preaching and teaching work.
They say they want you to be effective in your ministry but I'm convinced that the GB aren't concerned in the slightest, with the closeness of the end or getting the word out. Imagine what would happen if a wealthy JW or a group of JW's wanted to "fully accomplish" their ministry by purchasing television air time to give the same presentation they would have in used the door to door ministry. They'd say they were running past Jehovah's celestial chariot and not humbly following the direction of the "Slave" who in reality want to keep their members on a never ending treadmill of busy work.
my name is sophie mueller, and i’m currently in the class ap research.
the aim of ap research is to have students enter into an academic conversation that exists about a specific topic or issue.
for my research project, i have chosen to evaluate the social stress levels, or sense of belonging, within members of the jehovah’s witnesses community, due to my personal background with the religion.
Survey completed.
i knew of several elders who would tell their wife's everything that happened in a committee meeting.
he is still and elder and very old but i doubt he has changed.
we used to call him.
Normally I'd never say something like this but the answer to your question is a resounding- Yes.
Her name was Peggy (fatty) McMonogle and his name was Jerry. Jerry (allegedly) told her everything that went on behind closed doors and she'd (allegedly)drop hints to let people know that she knew things about them, then she'd waddle away with a smirk across that buck-toothed face of hers, looking quite pleased with herself.
After passing judgment on scores of congregation members for years, Jerry (allegedly) ended up cheating on Ol' Fatty (don't blame him) with some chain smoking hag of a woman from his job and was removed as an Elder. They split up and she had to go out to work for the first time in her live in her 50's and got a good dose of reality out in the real world. Last I heard, her ignorant clod of a husband was still stuck hanging drywall well into his 50's despite his back and knee troubles. (maybe there is a god, after all )
Do I sound bitter?? That's good, because I am.
In the end, Fatty M. and Jerry got what they deserved, as far as I'm concerned...they caused a lot of damage. The only thing good that came of it was that their conduct woke my family up with out me having to say a word.
( allegedly sometimes means it happened, but you didn't hear it from me)
... unlike the rest of humanity, you looked forward to mondays because it was a day off from a meeting..
You may have been a JW if :
i haven't been posting here much lately, i think i only created one topic in 2018!
but this is worth it.. i am a grandfather 😊.
it happens all the time but damn, it feels good.
know, I know. It happens all the time but damn, it feels good. I'm not really able to share photos or names but she's healthy and beautiful and both I and Mrs Nic' absolutely fell in love with her.
Congratulations Nicolau ! Yes it happens all the time but not to YOU !
I have a 2 year old granddaughter and another baby girl will arrive next month. May you enjoy yours as much as I have mine. We all hear people gushing over their grandchildren but I had no idea it would be so much fun and I'd be one of them. Just wait until she calls you Grandpa (or Pa Pa) like mine does. It will be difficult not to spoil her. You'll have a greater appreciation of how much of a tragedy it is for many many former JW's who are being shunned and aren't allowed to see their grandkids. goes on after the JW's and one's life doesn't turn into a trainwreck without them.
this is a very good document from a law school exploring religious freedom vs an individuals right to religious freedom without blackmail, pressure, etc, and also explores why certain lawsuits did not win and what it would take to win them.
a person born in, and whose parents or family pressured to shun because they simply left the religion, who has evidence of damages, etc, would likely have a good case if they find a good lawyer.
"Unfortunately the American government created laws that gave too much power and unregulation to religious institutions including freedom from taxation for organizations like the WTS/JWS to use, exploit and build upon. "
Perhaps the way to go is to sue the individual Elder or Elders who made the decision to DF you and/or read your name aloud in front of the congregation.
I don't know if the "society" would back them up. It seems to me they'd get thrown under the bus just the way Publisher are, by claiming they acted of their own accord.